We moved!

So as ya'll can tell I have been very quite here for a few months. The reason can now be reveiled, well to be honest I wasn't trying to keep it quite, really I was just super busy, but we MOVED! Across the country!

Yes, this crazy journey started back in February and actually if you really want to get technical it started years ago. The final "yes we are going to do this" happened in February, and since then the ball has been rolling quicker and quicker every day. Now we are here and settling in and I have finally caught my breathe.

I have lived in the great state of Texas my entire life, growing up in small town Texas is an adventure I will always treasure. But after the initial shock and turmoil (aka my besties wanting to murder my husband, all survived and no one was injured) we packed up all our worldly possessions and trucked half way across the country. and feat i'm still shocked I survived. I am still wrapping my brain around it, some days it feels like i'm just on a really long vacation and very surreal. Others i'm having fun exploring our new town and making new friends. Then of course I have my days where all I want to do is cry because I  miss my family and  friends and food and everything Texas.

But we will survive and thrive and stay alive (did that seriously just come out of my head?!) and i will be listing my moving tips here very soon.

Talk to ya'll later!

Love List 5.21.2018


Love List 2.12.2018