Love List 5.21.2018

Welcome to the first Love List in the new house! And I have to say there is so much to love about the house!

1. We're in a freaking house! We have been in apartments ( apart from a brief stint in the in-law's house) since we have been married. And I am loving the space to stretch and breathe and move.

2. The garden, well having a garden really that is all ours and our to change and nurture and design. ugh, it's the best!

3. Baking, I've really gotten into baking again and this time its bread

4. My hygge obsession continues and I believe its really starting to incorporate itself into every aspect of life.

5. Work, while very difficult and stressful, is so much nicer to be working for yourself every day.  I love being my own boss (ok hubby is boss but you know what I mean)

6. Making new friends while it's scary it is definitely fun.

7. Spending time in the garden just breathing in the air and relaxing to the sounds of nature.

8. We signed up for a gym! A great decision we have been working out more and getting our butts back into shape.

9. Getting into a new routine. it is way harder than it sounds, and you'd think that most of your old routine would be the same just in a new location. Wrong all new!

10. Seeing my pup go to town on the leftover ham bone and bits of meat. That my friends is the true definition of happy!

Thanks for tuning in!

Talk to ya'll later!



We moved!