Lifestyle Change
Something big that has changed since January 2019 is we started using essential oils. Now I know this is a somewhat controversial subject so if you have anything negative to say please leave it on your side of the screen and do not share. This is a positive place for me to share my thoughts, feelings, and creative juices. I will delete any comments I deem inappropriate.
Now that that is out of the way, yes essential oils, specifically Young Living Essential Oils. I loved oils before I discovered Young Living, but for us, it was the fact that they own all their farms so they control the process of the oils from seed to seal. That is such a comfort for someone who likes organic foods and DIYs. I know I can visit any farm and see the process from start to finish all in the same place!
Along with the knowledge that the oils go through such a protective process the other amazing thing is they allow anyone who is a member to benefit from a commission. Yes, this a network marketing. No, this is not a pyramid scheme. For negative thoughts see the first paragraph. For anyone who wants to learn more think about this. What is an influencer? What is a salesman? What is anyone who sells a product? That is all network marketing is. I work hard in this business and I love it! I get to know amazing men and women who also share a passion for healthy living. I get to help educate these people through social media and zoom meetings. Then I get compensated for that hard work and effort.
This is something I will probably post about more on here as I had become such a large part of our lives.
If you are interested visit my oily Instagram @hannahsoilycottage
Or visit this link to sign up. I will gladly walk you through all the amazingness of oils. ☺️